Главная » 2012 » Июль » 04
Просмотров: 289 | Добавил: raddmilla | Дата: 04.07.2012 | Комментарии (0)

Просмотров: 460 | Добавил: Manuela | Дата: 04.07.2012 | Комментарии (1)

Просмотров: 282 | Добавил: tanika | Дата: 04.07.2012 | Комментарии (0)

Press Release from Rafa Nadal

Subject: Suspension of the ALMA NADAL Exhibition Match in Madrid
I want to apologize to all, in particular to the fans that had already purchased a ticket to such a good cause, but unfortunately we won't be able to play for the moment that match in Madrid at the Bernabeu stadium on July 14th.
The doctors have been checking my knee and i suffer a tendinitis which will have me away from any practice or matches for 15 days, which makes it impossible to play with Novak Djokovic as we'd expected and announced. I was with my doctors on Monday and started already my treatment with the goal to be ready for the London Olympic Games and represent Spain once again
As I say my first thoughts are with the fans who'd already purchased the tickets, but also my thanks and apologies to Novak Djokovic that was coming to the event, as well as to the Real Madrid Foundation that has worked very hard together with my foundation so that everything would have been perfect. We are going to try to find a new date for this in the future, tha ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 548 | Добавил: tanika | Дата: 04.07.2012 | Комментарии (4)

Quiero pedir disculpas a todos, debido a una lesión en el tendón no podré jugar contra Novak en Alma Nadal. Aquí dejo mis disculpas, en particular a todos aquellos que habían comprado entradas para esta buena causa. http://bit.ly/NwT6Iv

I want to apologize to all, I suffer a tendinitis and I can't to play against Novak for Alma Nadal. I share with you my apologies, in particular to the fans that had already purchased a ticket to such a good cause.


Я хочу принести извинения всем, я болею тендинитом, и я не смогу играть против Новака для Алма Надаль. Я приношу Вам свои извинения, в особенности поклонникам, которые уже купили билет на такое хорошее дело.

Просмотров: 497 | Добавил: tanika | Дата: 04.07.2012 | Комментарии (0)