Рафаэль Надаль: мысли об Уимблдоне, Олимпийских Играх, титулах турниров Большого Шлема и его будущем.
By Jeremy Eckstein (Featured Columnist) on July 16, 2012
Rafa Nadal’s early exit from Wimbledon launched a thousand articles. Headline articles and tennis followers chatted about his loss, running the gamut from concern to outright doom.
What will happen to Nadal?
With Nadal there rarely are easy explanations. His losses are stormy and cast with turbulence. How did he congratulate his opponent? Is he signing autographs to pretend he is classy? Is his career finished? Will he attend the Spain-Italy UEFA Eurocup final?
To reach consensus about Nadal’s latest loss and immediate future is like assuming that all colors of clay provide equal conditions. Even solid reasoning can be a slippery debate.
The Spanish Tragedy
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