"Почему я могу выиграть Уимблдон и, как Энди Мюррей может закончить свое проклятье турнира Большого Шлема": неостанавливаемый Рафаэль Надаль.
Rafael Nadal has won 11 Grand Slam titles, an Olympic gold medal and amassed a £40 million fortune. And after winning a record seventh French Open, he aims to reclaim his crown in SW19It takes an uncommonly long time for Rafael Nadal to cross a hotel lobby.
A Russian man wants a photograph of himself with Nadal, then himself and his wife with Nadal, then his wife and his son with Nadal.
If the 26-year-old tennis champion from Majorca is thinking that a single snap might have sufficed, he shows no sign, smiling graciously throughout.
Eventually, one more photograph and three autographs later, he makes it to where I am waiting, and with a little bow, an actual little bow, shakes my hand. <
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